TM251 - GPS Enduro



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 Name: TM251 - GPS Enduro  
 Date:  Month of February 2025
 Location:  Jenolan State Forest
 Grade  Intermediate to Expert

 Annual Club Membership - $20

 Registration Entry - $30

Must join as a club member first

Registration closes on 21 February 2025


Club Membership   Registration

Self Scrutineering  Sherco Raffle Tickets


Track Riders


Ride on any day of the month of the published ride date.

You can ride as many times as you like.

Results will be based on the riders quickest lap.

Points will be awarded for each round and the rider with the most points for the series in each class will be awarded some prize money.

The Prize pool will be decided based on the number of riders that ride within the year.

Riders must email there recorded gps track of the laps to us and this will be validated against the original track for each class.

if you have missed any of the track, the lap will not count!


All riders are required to sign up for our TM GPS Club annual club membership

Once joined, you can register for any GPS round this year


When you register for a ride, you will be sent a GPS track to follow which will be emailed to you on the Wednesday before the ride  month.


Ride when ever you like in the particular month of the registered ride. You can ride the track as many times as you like, your fastest recorded time that has been validated will be used. The track distance will be between 50 and 70Km.


Steps Required

1. Get the Annual Club Membership

2. Register for the TM251 - Jenolan GPS Ride. On your first GPS ride, you must join the club.

3. Receive and download the GPS Track to your GPS and mount it to your handlebars. Make sure that you are recording the current track

    as you ride.

4. Pick a day to do your ride

5. Before you start riding, follow the steps to start your location tracking (repeat this process as many times as you like to record a lap)

    a) Open the Webscorer App on your phone. You may have to create a free account.

    b) Select GPS self-tracking

    c) Select My upcoming GPS races

    d) Select TM251 - Jenolan GPS Enduro

    e) When you are ready to start, Press Start GPS Tracking

    f)  Lock your phone and put it in your bumbag

    g) When you have completed your lap, unlock you phone and Press Stop GPS tracking

    h) Press Stop to confirm

6. When you have completed the lap, send your GPS file to for validation. Times must match and if you have

    missed any of the track, the lap will not count!


   Step 5b                             Step 5c                        Step 5d



Step 5e & 5f                          Step 5g                         Step 5h

Lock your phone after you

press the Start GPS tracking





Please make sure that you ride safe and be aware of oncoming traffic at all times.

When you join WebScorer, the track will become available on the first day of the month.

All tracks record in that month will be used to determine the winner of that round.


If you require any help with the above, please contact us





  •  Helmet and goggles
  •  Jersey, pants, Boots and gloves
  •  Armour and knee braces\guards
  •  Neck brace (optional, but recommended)
  •  Camel back with water and tool bag



It is a condition of this event that all riders are, at a minimum, covered by Ambulance Insurance. If you are injured,

Ambulance Helicopters may be the only exit out of the area. You never know what may happen. It is essential that you consider some form of personal accident insurance. Make sure your policy covers you on a motorcycle riding on public roads whilst on this event.



  •  Registration booking and payment is required before the registration closing date

  •  Please note, registrations will not be accepted after the closing date or on the weekend of the GPS ride

  •  Registrations are limited, once this fills up with paid registration, you will be placed onto the Waiting List and if there is a cancellation, you will be notified of this. If you don't get in, you will be refunded

  •  If you cancel after the closing date (5pm) or do not turn up on the weekend, you will not be refunded. This will be enforced from the ride regardless of your reason!

  •  If you cancel before the registration closing date, you will be refunded your payment amount less $50 admin fees

  •  Registrations are not transferrable at all for any reason to any other riders or rides

  •  Once the ride starts, there will be no refunds for any reason

  •  If we postpone the ride due to unforeseen circumstance, your registration will be transferred to the new date when it is made available, if you cannot make this new date, you will be refunded your payment amount less $50 admin fees with a credit voucher for any other Rush Tours rides and this voucher will be valid for 1 year



  •  Please respect our host, fellow riders and neighbours around the area

  •  Please keep your area clean and take your rubbish with you

  •  Please DO NOT RIDE YOUR BIKE around unless on the track

  •  Please keep the noise level down at all times

  •  We are here to have fun and enjoy the riding. You may be faced with a few challenges, so take photos of your mates


Terms and Conditions



If you have any questions regarding this fun ride, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


















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Last modified: 06/01/25